Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Dreaded School Morning Rush.

I love to wake up earlier than everyone else in the mornings at about 6am. The house is lovely and quiet. I can catch up on reading my favourite blogs and have a quiet 'hot' coffee before 'The Dreaded School Morning Rush' begins. No matter how organised I think I am. It's never enough to make the morning run smoothly. I've tried waking them up earlier. Getting more things prepared the previous night etc, etc. It only takes a grumpy child, a lost sock or homework and the whole morning unravels at great speed. Checklists are stuck to our fridge so that Miss 10 and Miss 6 can check off what they have done and where they are headed. The novelty soon wears off and they spend more time looking for their favourite coloured markers to check off the boxes than actually moving. Sigh!

Is there such a thing as an organised school morning?

Or is it just something that I dream about daily that will never come true?

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